Today is D Day.
Jeana, our fabulous Bella Cucina designer
(and new friend) is coming for lunch.
After the Sole Meuniere and Chablis (from
which I will abstain), we have to get to
work! While every day seems like decision
day, this afternoon we need to order all
of the kitchen and bath faucets, fixtures,
and assorted gee gaws. It's a daunting
task as you must understand that
I am a virgin.
Stop laughing! Remember that this is our first major renovation. Frank has "futzed" with many improvements to all of our condos. But we now know that renovating a massive house is very different than selecting
a faucet at Home Depot.
Take toilets for example (Suzanne, I said stop laughing). Suddenly there are a plethora of thrones for us to consider.
One vs two piece, round vs elongated, standard vs comfort level, pure vs honed white.
Holy crap,
I'm wiped out!
Please, turn it off!
Now... back to faucets. We're doing this at home rather than the showroom. After several showroom visits, I can't separate the wheat from the chaff. The ugly ones are so hideous I get distracted. So, better to select on line in the privacy of our home.
Thank God for Jeana.
Patron saint of guidance, her savvy has helped us more than we ever imagined. We've now expanded her role beyond kitchen and baths to be our "Design Consigliere".
We need the help...
This just started a month ago. Our contractor Bill Higgins
and his crew have been moving FAST! The Master Bath (above) expanded after removing two closets. Our new Powder Room now has a doorway from the front stair hall (left).
And boy, do we need it!
Bill and team have gutted the kitchen (above) and framed out the Butler's Pantry and Powder Room. Upstairs, the Guest Bath (left) is ready to be transformed. So far we've approved plans, ordered appliances and cabinets, installed a new furnace, and opted for a house of new windows. And that's just the beginning.
Eat fast Jeana,
there's work to do!