Few things get better with age. Yet after 18 years my partnership with Frank is deeper, richer, and stronger than ever. If nothing else, we are balanced. His "yin" to my "yang" has helped us to survive good and bad times. Give and take are essential elements to our successful relationship.
Works for us!
We both have passions beyond each other. My career takes us far away from Montana. Given I'm at work at least 12 hours a day, living with me can be lonely at best. That's why we "reciprocate" so that Frank can be where he's happiest.
Spring Fever!
For eight years Frank has cultivated a garden on his family's land just outside of Lewistown. A family tradition, my city boy took over the task after his father tended that same plot for many, many years. This means that Frank departs where ever we're living (and working) late April only to return late September. I'm not going to lie, being separated is hard on both of us. However, enabling Frank to do something that he truly loves is well worth a few months of loneliness in Manhattan.
Call me.
While Frank tends tomatoes, I fill my summer dance card with business cocktails, dinners, and commitments. Focusing on work is not a problem for this workaholic! Plus a constant stream of friends in/out of town means I'm booked solid! Weekends alone are the hardest, yet somehow the months fly by!
See you in September!
Throughout the summer we try to see each other every 3-4 weeks. While absence makes the heart grow fonder, it also seems to reignite the relationship. Therefore we'll continue to deal with it until the day I can retire. Bon voyage mon amour!