Yesterday we took possession of our new apartment in midtown. While hotel life was lovely and carefree, this creature of habit needed to settle into a rhythm. Plus with a health club next door, and a location 18 blocks from the office, it was time to whip this old man into shape!
Our new abode is furnished.
At this point we've accumulated more than enough "stuff" so the last thing we wanted to do was purchase more furniture. That's why this solution is best for us. But don't worry, the decor is beyond lovely, fully outfitted from Holly Hunt (showroom pictured right), it's quite elegant.
The most shocking realization
was the amount of boxes that
my wardrobe filled. Frankly
I found this quite worrisome as
I feared that our new closet was
not be large enough. Hmm...
who among you thought my
only "problem" was china?!
Many of you have been asking for
an update on our Montana Money Pit.
In our absence, work is proceeding
under the leadership of Bill our trusted
contractor. Meanwhile Jeana, our
design "consigliere" has been updating
us on any/all issues as they need to be
resolved. With our beloved home in
the hands of such seasoned professionals,
we're truly not worried! That's because
we know they will make it fabulous!
At this point we really don't need to be there. We've done all that we can do. Picked out everything from toilets to paint colors. So while I haven't see any picture updates for awhile, I actually kind of like the anticipation. Frank returns to Montana late April and will see where things are. I'll visit Lewistown for a couple of days in mid May. At that point the kitchen will be far along as will the bathrooms. We can't wait to see the results of THEIR labor!