Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's a date!

SO NICE TO SEE YOU again and again and again...

Small world!
The best thing about living back here
in New York is that I get to see all of
my friends OFTEN. Given the fashion
business is rooted in Manhattan, almost
everybody in the business comes into
town at least a couple of times a year.
Therefore it seems I'm booked often.
While my waistline doest protest (well
actually the button on my pants) it's
wonderful to reconnect over a lovely
dinner. Well worth the calories!

Even smaller town!
One must be strategic about where you dine - especially in the garment district. With few options you're sure to run into colleagues. That's fine if you want to "kiss kiss" your way across the room. However if you want truly "dish", I suggest you book a table up or down town.
What did you say?
The places that most consider
HOT tend to be noisy and that's
NOT for me. While slick, shiny,
hard surfaces can be stunning,
shouting at one's guests across
a dinner table is not. That's why
I prefer low key spots for an
evening with friends! After all...
Not on the menu.
There's nothing like a cocktail to get the
conversation rolling. And after my third...
things really start to roll. Sadly, the
only thing I lack during these reunions
is self control. While I admire someone
who sips agua and sups pesce... I'll take
a Manhattan and a rare filet pronto! The
simple fact is I can't resist a good special
especially when it involves fois gras or
anything else decadent... I'm in! During
the last course I've been known to more
than indulge my sweet tooth. But what is
sweeter than an evening of friendship?
Crepes Suzette or Grand Marnier souffle!
After dinner... DRINK!
The hardest part about these evenings is going home ALONE. Don't worry... I'm not drinking myself to sleep. However, the summers are awfully hard for me here in Manhattan. Frank and I both miss each other terribly. At this point in our lives, I love that he can spend time in Montana. He's very busy back in Lewistown entertaining family, visitors, and when he's able weeding his garden. We're counting the days until he's back here full time in October!