Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's up buttercup?

Hello sunshine!
Given I'm more than over winter,
spring is starting to slowly inspire
me. After wearing dark and dreary
tones since September, I'm ready
to don a pop of color. It seems a
a touch of jonquil or butter yellow
can brighten one's soul even on the
ugliest of March mornings. If for no
other reason, they're an optimistic
symbol of impending change. A
cheery harbinger of sunny days to
come. We all need a little sunshine
in our lives don't we? Brighten up!
Jiffy pops
Daffodils are the ultimate embodiment
of spring. Bravely they poke their heads
out of the debris and desiccation of the
past winter's wrath. My mother loved to
spread her bulbs in the woods near her
home in Virginia. Upon blooming, they
spread a glow across the forest floor for
several weeks. Having lived in frigid
climes, daffodils are often a brief but
bright moment. Many's a time that they
bloomed late in Chicago or Minneapolis
only for a day or two before wilting in
the eighty degree heat. Then... it snowed.
Mellow yellow
There are few people who can actually
wear yellow. However my dear friend
"B" is one of the few. I not sure if it's
because of her skin's hue or her sunny
outlook. You see, just being with her
seems to make me happy. Some people
have the ability to make things better
just by simply smiling at you. "B's"
candor, charm, and laughter seem to
always turn life's lemons into lemonade.
Some of us are born a burst of built-in
brightness deep within. Those few can
brighten a room simply by walking in!
Turn the lights on
Have you ever wished you could put
a little sunshine into a bottle? Then
you could open it up whenever you
were blue and bask in it's glorious
glow!? Eons ago I painted a Breakfast
Room "buttah" (in honor of Nancy
Lancaster) yellow. No matter the time
of day, it was always a happy room
and certain to brighten one's outlook.
Trust me, it's better than a sunlamp!
What came first?
I'm honestly not sure if it's the hue
or simply perfect timing. All I do
know is that a bit of sunny yellow
always puts things in a better light.
The natural optimism that sprouts
with each spring is truly inspiring.
Life seems to begin anew with this
season and somehow, we all lighten
up and let go without even a peep of
protest! That's because we all want
to be happy, to bask in the glow of
good times, to break out of our shell
and finally live life to it's fullest!