Friday, April 4, 2014


Brighten up!
It seems that finally Spring
has arrived. Temperatures
continue to fluctuate, yet the
quality of light is changing
at the end of our tunnel.
When the sun is out, it's
definitely warmer and while
few love rain, one accepts
that it serves an invaluable
purpose. We're all looking
on the bright side and the
mood is happily optimistic
here in chilly Manhattan.
Color has now returned in all it's glory.
Honestly, I can't imagine what boys will
don some of the new head to toe candy
colored suits! However in our new metro
sexual world, little surprises me anymore.
After shopping the Fifth Floor at Barney's
I discovered a candy shop full of brightly
toned foot gear. Believe it or not, I was in
the men's shoe department! While I can
appreciate an occasional punch of pink,
I think I'll let the young and restless tiptoe
through the tulips and smell the roses!
Can men wear puce and truly be men?
Subliminal seduction
I'm certain that somewhere out in the
outer boroughs things are starting to
bloom. Whether crocus or jonquils,
signs of spring are now rising above
winter's fray. Optimism has hit the
pavements in the form of sidewalk
cafes fully decked with linens and
posies. Unless the weather hits above
sixty, I doubt anyone is willing to sit
and brave the elements. If nothing else
these dainty touches add a spring to
one's step as we cross the crosswalk
wrapped in our heavy winter coats!
April's fools
April is truly a month of transition and
apparently that means we all must still
be flexible. Sadly the thermostats in our
major office buildings and public venues
are not. It seems that experts must flip a
big switch from hot to cool and most are
hesitant to do so too early. Hence when
the weather is nice, it's often hotter than
hell indoors. As one who suffers from
man o' pause, the result is a gentlemen
who is still "hot" however not in the way
he once was in his youth. Turn it down
or I'll have to take it off! CHILL OUT!
Pale by comparison
Here in the Big Apple, most spring breaks
align with the Easter holiday. Given how
late it falls this year, many have not yet
escaped to a warmer clime. The few who
do return with tans that look oddly out of
place amongst the pale masses. However
those who wait should be able to easily
transition from the tropics to Hamptons.
I've decided to maintain a palid pallor go
forward. In order to stop the march of time
I plan to stay out of the sun and learn how
to throw some shade! Hopefully if I act as
if wan is cooler than tan, I'll look good!
While the cherry blossoms aren't
drifting across Fifth Avenue, they
are in full bloom at the Met. We
have fabulous seats for Madama
Butterfly Friday and I can't wait
to vicariously experience the life
of a geisha Italiano set to music.
One thing is certain. we will not
be hitting the social season this
spring. I've no intention of pulling
out the chiffon when I've already
given up booze for Lent! This
lamb will not be led to slaughter!