Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My summer "vacation"

Postcard from the edge
Is it me or has July flown by! This
summer of our discontent has been
anything but dull. I'm fully aware
that some of you have placed bets
on the length of my hiatus here in
rural Montana... So far the odds are
against you! That's because every
day in Lewistown with my beloved
provides ample opportunities to be
deliriously happy. For any still in
doubt, following are some random
ramblings about my summer thus
far. Sorry kids, all bets are OFF!
Open house
Much of my day is spent wandering in awe
around our new abode. In the quiet morning
hours when it's just "us", I commune with
my new space. I find myself falling deeply
in love with this place we now call home.
While I hesitate to use the word "perfect,"
it is in almost every way just that and more!
We recently hosted six descendants of the
original owner, G.W. Cook. As we toured
their ancestral home, all marveled at how
elegant, spacious, and modern this house
is for it's time and place. How fortunate
we are to be able to call it ours!
Spin class
At times I question when we'll truly ever
be fully moved in. Recently the basement
transformation was completed. We finally
installed our washer and dryer which has
been beyond a religious experience. Both
of us are loving our new fangled equipment
however I do miss the simplicity of limited
cycle selections. Now that we have access
to added storage, we're slowly redistributing
temporarily stored items that were taking up
valuable space on our first floor. Therefore
my only question is, will we be able to ever
find what we need once we put it away?
In vino veritas
Originally The Passion Pit had a
large basement cistern. Later on
it was converted into storage. At
two foot thick, it's concrete walls
make this the perfect wine cellar.
Slowly I've been ordering cases of
our favorite wine and booze. While
I miss Sherry Lehman on Park, we
have been able to purchase almost
anything we desire via our local
liquor store. Happily the owner is
a quick study and has enjoyed the
process of stocking our cellar.
Second hand smoke
This summer we've been in a
haze due to smoke from major
forest fires. Depending on how
the jet stream flows, the residue
from blazes from far off Canada
enshroud us. Some days it's hard
to see the mountains! The only
benefit is that said hinderance
limits keep he sun's rays from
heating us up. Fortunately as of
yet we've avoided local blazes.
Knock on wood, summer isn't
over yet! Watch for lightning!
Some like it hot
Beggars can't be choosers and as
long as anyone is willing to make
the trip out here we'll welcome
them with open arms.The warm
weather brings visitors to town.
This summer our social calendar
has been blocked out since June.
Whereas NOBODY ever seems
willing to brave our weather post
September! Wouldn't it be nice if
we could shift some of the crowd
to February? That way we could
give every guest our full attention.
Fat of the land
Since leaving the corporate world
for rural Montana, I've lost almost
thirty pounds. Most of that is due
to eliminating stress from my life.
While the physical task of moving
also helped, I've hit a plateau. With
another forty pounds to go, I've got
literally get a move on. A few steps
away is our rather elaborate trail
system. My challenge is to get my
act (and Frank's) together before the
midday sun starts to shine and give
me an excuse to sit on my fat ass!
Darwinian delight
Working in the fashion business one
needed a different ensemble for every
day of the month. Suddenly I find that
I no longer require thirty sport coats on
a seasonal basis. I wear one to church
each Sunday and whenever we dine
out on the town. Yet while I continue
to maintain my sartorial standards, the
fact is I don't need half of my clothing.
You know what they say, if you haven't
worn it for a year, you never will! Is it
time to clean out my closet or should
I wait until summer is over and out?