When will it end?
I have to be honest with you, the last
weeks have been exhausting. A flurry
of meetings, phone calls, and evenings
out have put me over the edge. What's
even harder is that friends and family
have been lost in the shuffle. Beyond
waving at them across a crowded room
we've spent little time together. With
the holidays looming, it's only going
to get worse. I doubt it's going to calm
down until after the turkey is carved.
Soon life will return to a semblance
of normalcy, At least until Christmas!
My one and only
In the end all of the mania reminds one
of what's most important. For me that's
my better half. You see, he "completes"
me. When together, it doesn't matter
what we do as long as we are doing it
together. At times I must admit that
I find it all rather odd. How can two
individuals be so perfectly suited for
each other? More important, when two
become one the combination is much,
much better! It's not as if we agree on
everything. And yet... in the silence of
our moments together, ALL IS GOOD!
Dynamic Duo
Somewhere along the way Mother
Nature decided that two were better
than one. I was blessed to have two
parents who proved that point every
day. Married for sixty eight years,
Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
As he faded away, Mother sat next to
him all day long holding his hand.
His mind gone, blind, and dumb, she
felt that somehow he knew she was
there. Their connection was spiritual
in nature and after Dad finally left her,
Mother only lasted ten months more.
Perfect combination
Frank's parents continue to amaze.
In their nineties they are stillquite
an elegant pair. Beloved byfamily
and community they continue to do
their best to enjoy life. In my opinion
that's because they are a team, each
helping the other to navigate all of the
challenges that advanced age brings.
All you have to do is see how they
look at each other to know that their
love is stronger than ever. Together
they are living examples of what true
love and partnership is all about.
Work in progress
While Frank and I are not quite there
yet, everyday we get closer as our love
grows deeper, our lives interconnected
in a way that honestly can no longer be
separated. Even if we tried, I doubt one
could survive without the other. What's
most important is nurturing what we
have together. Once the holidays are
over, we hope to escape somewhere
exotic. Even though we're "retired" -
life is busier than ever. Far away from
it all we hope to spend some quality
time ALONE... but TOGETHER!