Starting Monday I embark on a new adventure.
Meanwhile for today once again we travel back to 2013.
But don't be surprised if the following blog seems all to familiar...

It's time to accept that I may be a
total Pollyanna. After years of
pondering whether that's a good
or bad thing, I've come to the
conclusion that it's better to
expect the best than wait for
the worst. Many believe bad
behavior is easily taught. I've
found that is accomplished by
those who lead by bad example.
Over the years I've met truly evil
people. Cruelty isn't normal and
yet it's more than natural to them.
Their mercurial makeup is part of
their DNA. That's the only way to
explain their horrific actions. Yet
somehow by thinking "they can't
help it" we are able to accept the
unacceptble. Most of us will never
encounter a mass murderer, career
criminal, or terrorist. However, all
of us encounter abhorrent behavior
on a daily basis. Usually at work.
Many good people have been forced
to do bad things. My Dad once said
"Ignorance creates fear and scared
people do terrifying things." Right
or wrong I have known my share of
scared individuals in key leadership
positions. Their behavior and actions
were rooted in a sense of insecurity.
The fear of being found out caused
them to do anything to protect their
power. Sadly if anybody was in their
way, they had to quickly find a new
spot or suffer the consequences.
Many factors can at times unfairly enable
people to rise to the top. Whether politics,
connections, deception, and even wonton
sex, suddenly they're pushed to the head
of the pack. Few can explain why those
who benefit from bad behavior get what
they don't deserve. Yet they know that at
anytime they could lose it. So they hurt
others to protect what is rightfully NOT
theirs. Sadly many opt to condone such
bad behavior rather than address it. And
that apathy allows bullies to prey on the
weak sans any fear of retribution.
What happens when you're
confronted by someone so
evil that it's futile to battle
them? The one golden spike
that seems to work is doing
what's right against all odds.
On the short term you lack
immediate satisfaction. Yet
in the end good will win out.
That's why I'll always be the
eternal optimist. I believe
that ultimately what goes
around comes around...