Friday, July 7, 2017


Double Duty
When Frank and I are together, we're not all
that social. Mostly because we so enjoy each
other's company that our natural preference
is to keep to ourselves. Thus we limited our
exposure during my week in Montana. NOT
because we don't like you, but rather because
our time together is short and thus precious.
Soon all that will change as I'll be back in the
Big Apple all alone. Sans my better half I'll
be lonely at times and all too often out of it!

Morning Munch
Even when lonely I still treasure "me"
time. Given out of town friends travel
in and out quite quickly, the only time
to get together is breakfast. Often I'm
not at my best depending on the prior
evening's festivities. Yet after a week
at the office I'm apt to be sociable on
a Saturday morning. Hence I'll meet
anywhere as long as I can to nibble
on lox or hash while we dish it out!

Noontime Nibble
In theory a workday luncheon is a viable
option. However in reality it's unrealistic.
Most days I'm lucky if I can grab a bite
at my desk or conference table. Given my
calendar is packed tight, finding the time
to walk to a restaurant let alone dine is
virtually impossible. Saturday it's Fred's
or Bergdorf's. On Sunday there's nothing
better than a light brunch, leisurely stroll,
and long nap! Talk about a tough life...

Happy Hour
Because my calendar is so compressed
evenings can at times require my doing
double duty. Cocktail hour is a perfect
time for a quick check in or touch base.
What's best about this magical moment
is that it's clearly defined by the end of
the work day and the start of the dinner
hour. Therefore I keep things short and
sweet by leveraging this fluid window
of opportunity as often as possible!

Dinner Date
Depending on the company, the end of
my day is either fun or tedious. During
the season evenings may be committed
to "galas" which are as celebratory as a
wake. Then of course business dinners
with vendors, resources, or schmoozers.
Job requirements aside, there's little as
fun as sharing an intimate supper with
old friends, distant relations, or out of
town guests. Life's short - enjoy it!

Weekend Whirl
Frank's absence aside - all of the above
are just a few of the reasons why I wish
I could stay in Montana. It's my choice
to fill my week with back-to-back dates.
All help me pass the time when Frank's
far away. Some weekends I might not
leave the apartment. Or decide to cook
dinner for a few friends. Hence almost
any diversion is a viable option until
my man comes back to NYC this fall!