Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Who's driving?
It could be "retirement." Yet every day
at 3 to 4 in the afternoon I get sleepy
and can't shake it. Wherever I may be
I drift off to la la land. Which can occur
while on the road. Hence when driving
Frank watches me like a hawk given I've
been known to insist "I'm fine" only to
nod off while driving. Apparently it's
not just me. Otherwise why are Rest
Areas along the highway? Others also
drift off at the wheel and need to stop,
snooze, and text prior to moving on!
Hence this sleepy head is not alone.
Who do that voodoo?
I've worked with more than my share
of males who seemed to suffer from
what can only be called narcolepsy.
During afternoon meetings their eyes
would suddenly start to flutter, and all
too soon heads would roll, and before
you knew it, sleepy bye time! Having
been there myself I can share that it's
tough to battle the deep dark forces of
exhaustion or sleep deprivation. I've
bitten my knuckles, kicked myself in
the shins, yet nothing was able to stop
the need to nod off. ZZZZZZZZZZ...
Who can resist?
Remember that rug you brought to
Kindergarten for nap time? There's
something about a calm silence that
makes one feel safe. Why not find
the adult equivalent within today's
workplace? We have legislation
for everything else why can't we
have siestas?! Women know the
benefit of some shut eye. At 3 p.m.
Ethel turned on the TV and tuned
into the Newlywed Game. Soon
she was snoozing and 15 minutes
later was ready for ANYTHING!
Who knew?
Napoleon, JFK, LBJ, and Ronald
Reagan all had a routine. In the
office early and then a mid day
snooze. Per Winston Churchill -
"You must sleep between lunch
and dinner. Take off your clothes
and get into bed. Don't think you
will be doing less work because
you sleep during the day. That's
a foolish notion held by people
who have no imagination. You
will be able to accomplish more.
You get two days in one I'm sure."