Saturday, March 2, 2019


Thank God it's over
I don't know about  you but I'm glad February
is over. Recent reports indicate that it was the
second coldest on record in central Montana.
With the thermometer hovering at about two
above on the average daily basis. Plus two feet
of snow on the ground. With street side mounds
the equivalent of ski slopes. It's stacked up to be
amongst the worst in memory. And while one
hopes spring looms on the horizon any potential
warming trend is questionable at best. However
given I'm if nothing else an optimist, my hope is
the old adage remains true. And that by the end
of March we'll be warm lambs - not frigid lions.
True or false?
At this point the majority of locals have lost all
patience. Or are wintering in Arizona. Even the
most fervent of snow lovers is dreaming of palm
trees swaying in a tropical breeze. Yet assuming
that Lewistown will warm up soon is foolhardy
at best. March and April can be merciless in the
American equivalent of Siberia. Lest we forget
need I remind you that we invariably enjoy one
major snowstorm in early May each year? Thus
whether one aligns with lions or lambs on either
end of March - there is little hope. Instead might
I suggest we be happy with whatever we've got?
And pray that Mother Nature will be kind to us.
Cold comfort
As with all things, this too shall pass. With
some patience and a dose of comfort food
plus the occasional cocktail we'll somehow
survive. All too soon the hordes of tourists,
friends, and family will descend upon our
sweet valley for the summer. Leaving little
time for napping, binge watching Netflix,
or organizing one's dresser drawers. Hence
rather than fight the inevitable, why not go
ahead and embrace our frosty limitations?
Given we all want what we can't have, soon
we'll be dreaming of these times when we've
nothing to do but literally chill. So enjoy!