Monday, April 8, 2019


Out of the box thinking
The other day a package arrived. Subsequently
I carefully unpacked the items enclosed. While
concerned about the condition of said contents,
my primary focus was on "recycling" as much
of the bubble wrap as possible. Thus I tenderly
tore off each piece of tape in order to preserve
the precious plastic enclosure. Only to closely
examine the box itself to see whether it might
be reusable. Without realizing this is what my
life has come to. I've become a packing hoarder.
Someone who saves everything for a rainy day.
Or for that troublesome item that just sold and
which refuses to fit into any shipper on hand.
Deferred investments
It's not that I'm cheap. Nor am I some green
type who wants to save the earth by recycling
everything imaginable. Now that I run a small
business, its smart to leverage whatever assets
available - whenever possible. If I've learned
anything over the last year, it's never assume
that anything is easy to get in rural Montana.
Hence unless one wants to drive two hours to
procure what they need, or wait three days
for its arrival - one must become a "keeper."
Like those ranchers who fill their barns with
castoffs. All in the hope that when I need the
out of the ordinary, it's ready and waiting...
From trash to treasure
There is nothing wrong with being a bit frugal.
However there may be something wrong with
filling one's house with junk that never adds up
to anything. Or does it? Frank's Uncle B saved
or repurposed all sorts of debris. At Christmas
we unwrapped presents he had proudly enrobed
in recycled wrapping paper set within recycled
cereal boxes. Ultimately Uncle's parsimonious
ways paid off. Not only did he leave a basement
full of empty boxes, paper, and the like. He also
bequeathed an ample estate to those who he left
behind. Proof that he must have saved almost
every penny he ever earned. And then some.
You reap what you sew
Waste not, want not is more than simply sage
advice. Instant gratification need not require
a major deferred investment. The little things
in life can make the biggest difference. Thus
it should come as no surprise that at this point
I'm happily making do with what I've already
got. Who knew that one of my more treasured
kitchen aids would be a bunch of old jars? Or
that darning the toe of a worn tube sock could
be so satisfying? Being a good steward of all
that God has given us isn't about saving cash.
It's about appreciating what we're blessed to
have. Here and now. While we've still got it.