Many decades ago I had no idea that
Frank would someday become Mr.
Green Jeans. In fact, I would have
fervently argued the point. Yet as the
years pass, my beloved spends more
time and energy in his garden getting
his green on. First he took over the
very large garden at the family ranch.
Then post purchase of our historic
home, he shifted his focus to our lot.
Therefore once the weather warms
up, he spends most of his day digging,
planting, and plucking. He loves it.
Garden view
I certainly love a garden and honestly
have no desire to tend one. So as with
most things in life - his yin balances
my yang. If nothing else, the task of
keeping Mother Nature at bay takes
up much of his time. Yet while I miss
the pitter pat of his feet in the house -
I'm happy he's happy. Every day he
proves that he has become a master
gardener. Somehow finding out that
doing what comes naturally is what
satisfies my nature boy's soul. Thus
while I don't "dig it" I'm glad he does!
Frank's always been a bit of a naturalist.
Going organic long before it became
chic. Hence the fact that he prefers to
control our weeds in a non-toxic way
should come as no surprise. Even if it
means hours out on the turf digging up
all sorts of sprouts. Whereas I tend to
be impatient. I'd rather die from poison
via a dose of insecticides than break
my back in such an exercise of futility.
However I've learned to not argue that
point. Therefore I've got his back as he
literally "cracks"away against the odds.
One has to appreciate the differences
in any relationship. Therefore I must
admit that we're more than good for
each other. At times I marvel at how
he compliments me Even if we drive
each other nuts behind the scenes.
Everything about Frank makes me a
better man in the end. Even if I fight it.
Hence my hope is that he gets back a
bit of said largesse in some way. The
longer we're together, the easier it gets.
Thus I won't push my outer limits by
spraying weed killer anytime soon!
Obviously aging is a growth process.
Along the way we learn that the key
to happiness is embracing our reality.
Rather than fight one's weaknesses,
finding the best (and easiest) way to
counter them is the only way to go.
That's why we're all in this together.
Helping one another. You reap what
you sow. Thus if plucking dandelions
makes the one I love happy - it does
the same for me. So rather than being
contrary I'm GLAD to step aside and
allow Frank to make his garden grow!