Saturday, December 14, 2019


What gives?
Can any of you actually remember
what you got last Christmas? While
I'm ashamed to admit it - I rarely can
recall what was under the tree. Either
that's proof of complete decadence or
early signs of dementia. Yet I'm not
worried because I can stroll through
our house and still identify who gave
us what - just not when. So is timing
everything? Or is it the thought that
counts? Is it equally precious to recall
who versus when or where or why a
transfer of ownership took place?
Brief encounter
Why do we keep on giving? Often
it's driven by pure obligation. And
what is sadder than when the art of
giving becomes a menial task - not
a pleasure? No wonder I dread said
procurement process. Whenever it's
viable I prefer to write a check. Or
purchase some goodie that I want
whether the recipient does or not.
Both are rather easy but they tend
to be a tad impersonal. Who cares
as long as it's off my list?  that's
the gift of all gifts... DONE.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Back to timing, I really don't think it
matters if somebody recalls the exact
time and date of transmission. Rather
it's the spirit in which it's given. Every
time I look at something special given
to me by someone even more special
I smile. The physical manifestation of
another's ardor is not only pleasurable
but a lasting tribute to a connection.
Could it be time that we tried harder?
Who doesn't love being reminded that
someone loves them? And what could
be a better gift than that?