Friday, September 18, 2020

You can't have it both ways

Barr none?
Apparently our definition of liberty depend
on who you are. Yesterday Attorney General
William Barr compared state "stay at home"
Covid 19 dictums to "slavery". Stating they
were "the greatest intrusion on civil liberties"
in our history. Meanwhile a whistle blower
exposed military plans to secure 7,000 rounds
of ammo, a "heat ray" crowd control device"
and ultrasonic weapons to help clear peaceful
protestors from Lafayette Square on June first.
So that Mr. Trump could tote his bible from
the White House for a media opportunity. So
whose rights usurp those of ALL others?
Hunting season
In early August a couple and sixty five friends
and family joined to celebrate their nuptials at
a Maine resort. Indoors sans masks and social
distancing. Just a month later, state viral tracers
identified one hundred and seventy seven folks
infected by said revelers. Along with seven
total strangers who died because of said bash.
Which bodes the question -  what gives anyone
the right to endanger or kill others? When did
constitutional liberties usurp common courtesy,
kindness, and caution? Or do the rules differ
based on which political side one aligns with?
Has "freedom" become a license to kill?
All or nothing at all?
Some believe that the American dream is
achieved by letting them have their way.
Ignoring health experts or leveraging brute
force in order to insure that they maintain
an unfair advantage. Ignoring common
sense for the common good rather than
doing what's best for ALL. Like it or not
you can't pick and choose the tenets of our
republican democracy.  Freedom, liberty,
and justice for ALL  means just that. Yet
fulfillment of individual wants and needs
cannot usurp the safety and sanctity of the
whole. Which is why we have laws Bill.